Our Community, our History
The Society operates a museum, library & archives to collect, preserve, study, interpret & exhibit materials relating to Raymore & nearby areas.
We will be open beginning in April 2024, first and third Saturday.

“If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday.” – Pearl Buck
Our history is your story! We are a Historical Society chasing the magnificent & mundane seen in everyday life from past to present. Come along with us and discover the rich hidden gems found in your backyard.
Our collections
Local Heroes
With the generosity and support of local families like the Sheeleys & Watkins, the Raymore Historical Society has a wide collection of artifacts from WWI, WWII, and more.
Washington Street
Washington Street looks a bit different now a days but the Raymore Historical Society remembers what it looked like back then. The collection of Washington Street artifacts helps preserve the history of Raymore and helps us remember where we started. Take a walk down memory lane or what we like to call, Washington Street.
Family Heirlooms
From wedding dresses to hand stitched quilts, the Raymore Historical Society's. Women’s World, Agriculture section, and School House has hundreds of items donated by local families. School trophies, postcards, farming awards, and tea sets are just to name a few.